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Terminus Series 2 TXT | OFF

 150,00 Iva inclusa

off / almost rigid

limba, kotò, carbon TXT, ayous, carbon TXT, kotò, limba

Gr: 88

Thickness: 5,8




This blade is an evolution of the Neptunus series 2 Carbon; this blade was designed together with professional players and their important Eastern Europe trainers; it has great power thanks to its ayous center and very good looping thanks to DYF1515 assembled at 45° and put as third layer. The last outer layers (kotò and limba) give great feeling and powerful spin allowing last generation tension rubbers (mostly those whose hardness is about 45°) to give their best.

Despite being almost stiff the special crafting technique used gives great feeling to this blade and makes it very suitable for middle distance looping play.

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Additional Information
Dimensione piatto / Plate size

Allround – 153×160, Standard new 150×157

Forma del manico / Handle shape

flared, Pen Hold, straight (27mm wide), straight (30mm wide)

Materiale del manico / Handle Material

Kiri (Paulownia), Oak